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Weather history

Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
 Temperature  8,0°Cfalling
Maximum13,2°C (13:45)17,3°C (12:02)13,6°C (03-05)29,6°C (30-01)33,8°C (27-12-2015)
Minimum0,7°C (07:59)-0,3°C (09:02)-3,3°C (10-05)-3,3°C (10-05)-5,1°C (12-07-2015)
 windchill  7,7°C 
Minimum-1,5°C (07:55)-1,6°C (07:22)-5,6°C (10-05)-5,6°C (10-05)-6,7°C (12-07-2015)
 heatindex  8,0°C  
Maximum13,2°C (13:45)17,3°C (12:02)13,6°C (03-05)28,3°C (30-01)31,7°C (27-12-2015)
Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
Rain / Melt 0,0 mm  0,2 mm  273,2 mm  343,7 mm  
Evapotranspiration0,0 mm  0,0 mm 0,0 mm 0,0 mm  
 Humidity  74%  
Maximum94% (08:30)87% (07:58)96% (01-05)97% (15-04)97% (06-09-2023)
Minimum53% (13:41)18% (12:08)43% (06-05)19% (31-01)0% (31-01-2015)
 Dew Point  3,6°C  
Maximum5,0°C (10:09)9,0°C (11:31)7,0°C (01-05)19,2°C (19-01)19,3°C (24-03-2016)
Minimum-0,8°C (07:59)-8,9°C (12:08)-5,3°C (10-05)-5,3°C (10-05)-38,6°C (09-02-2017)
Current Today Yesterday This Month This year Station Record
 Pressure  1014,4 hPa  Steady
Maximum1014,4 hPa (09:57)968,4 hPa (02:46)1014,4 hPa (01-05)1014,4 hPa (23-01)1036,1 hPa (06-06-2016)
Minimum1014,4 hPa (09:57)968,4 hPa (02:46)1014,4 hPa (15-05)968,4 hPa (21-01)959,1 hPa (12-11-2014)
 Wind  4,4 km/h   Wind from ESE  Light air
Gust14,8 km/h (11:05)52,0 km/h (07:08)36,3 km/h (06-05)58,3 km/h (11-03)64,8 km/h (06-01-2017)

You find our weather info also at:

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Weather Underground


Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)

HAMweather, WeatherForYou, PWS Weather

Equipment we use:

Weather Display

12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900KF 3.20 GHz 16.00 GB RAM Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

Weather Display

12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900KF   3.20 GHz 16.00 GB RAM Windows 11 Pro 64-bit