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--- ---
Currently: 8, Min: 0.7, Max: 13.2 Temperature:


Feels like:
  High Low
Today: 13,2°C (13:45) 0,7°C (07:59)
Yesterday: 17,3°C (12:02) -0,3°C (09:02)
Month: 13,6°C (03-05) -3,3°C (10-05)
Year: 29,6°C (30-01) -3,3°C (10-05)
Station record: 0,0°C (2024) 0,0°C (2024)


Rain Today:0,0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0,0 mm

Yesterday:0,2 mm

This Month:273,2 mm

Season Total:343,7 mm


Wind from ESE

Wind from ESE
4,4 km/h

1 Bft
Light air

3,1 km/h

Gust today:
14,8 km/h at 11:05


Sun:   sunrise  07:00 sunset  18:22

Daylight hh:mm 11:22 (+ 3 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  14:11 moonset  23:53

Waxing Gibbous,  55% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: rising
Dew Point: falling
Barometer: steady

Trend: Steady

UV Index Forecast more information

UV Index Forecast more information

Last updated: 16-05-2024  11:40 => 11:43  seconds ago 

UV Index Forecast 

The UV Index Forecast is currently not available

No valid input found. All data is in the past. 2 day graphical forecast for Wanaka Weather more information 2 day graphical forecast for Wanaka Weather

YoWindow 7 day graphical forecast

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Weather Underground


Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)

HAMweather, WeatherForYou, PWS Weather

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Weather Display

12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900KF 3.20 GHz 16.00 GB RAM Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

Weather Display

12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900KF   3.20 GHz 16.00 GB RAM Windows 11 Pro 64-bit